Self Care For Moms

The Ultimate Self-Care Guide for Stressed Moms

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​Since I had my twins, life as we knew it changed. My boys were born prematurely at 31 weeks and five days. They stayed in the hospital for ten weeks before they came home. It was crazy, joyful, overwhelming, and exciting. All the emotions wrapped in one.

First, we had to figure out our daily routine and feeding and sleeping arrangements at night, so my husband could still function at work. It was an artwork of tears, tiredness, awe, and new learning. I did not know what self-care was then. I had no self-care ideas to see me through this time. I ended up with vitamin D deficiency because I was inside the house, minding our bundle of joys. This was the best way I knew how, but I forgot about my own needs. As many new moms know, the first few months are a blur. I had no physical activity but expressing milk and cleaning nappies.

I also had post-natal depression, but I did not realize that. You see, before the boys came home, I was admitted to the hospital for eight weeks due to high blood pressure. It was a super stressful time, but honestly, my meditation practice kept me sane. Without my meditation session, my mind was not in a good way. It is the simple things that can bring the most significant rewards.

As a seasoned mom now, the boys are now seven years old. I have lots of self care tips and self care ideas to make sure my mind and body are in a good place. 

Being a busy mom is hard work. Whether you are a new mom or a seasoned one, juggling household chores, family members, and a busy schedule can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Taking care of yourself is crucial to being the best version of yourself and the best parent you can be. A little bit at the time is good enough.Here are some self-care tips and ideas to help you prioritize your own well-being and stay on top of your to-do list.

  1. Schedule Time for Self-Care Activities

Lack of time for self-care can be a challenge, but it’s essential for your overall health and well-being so finding time, even just 5 minutes a day to find alone time will do you wonders. As hard as it is, regular exercise will help you to reduce stress. I often take the boys with me for a walk to help me move my body.   Schedule time for self-care activities just as you would schedule time for household chores or family commitments. 

Whether it’s a spa day, a dance party, or a quiet cup of tea, make sure you set aside time each day or week to do something that makes you feel good. I’m not sure if you ever tried an adult coloring book, you get lost in this, it is so relaxing. 

I love a hot bath but unfortunately we don’t have one where we are staying now, but I make sure that my nice hot shower is nurturing. I learned to be mindful in my everyday life which is a gift to allow myself to experience life here, right now. 

2. Practice Mindfulness and Deep Breathing​Practicing mindfulness and deep breathing is a great way to reduce stress levels and improve your mental well-being. Take a few deep breaths throughout the day, especially when you feel overwhelmed or stressed. You can also try meditation or positive affirmations to help you stay centered and focused. Taking a little time, like even just 3–5 minutes to pause while you are washing the dishes or folding the laundry, will make you a better mom. You don’t need long time, all you need is making you a priority. 

3. Get Enough Sleep and Fresh Air​Sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health. Make sure you get enough hours of sleep each night and take breaks throughout the day to get some fresh air. To help me sleep, I use a headband with speakers. I think it’s the white noise in the background that gives me a good night’s sleep. 

Sometimes I put my favorite music other times I listen to a guided meditation on YouTube. This is such an easy way to stop my mind overthinking.A quick walk outside or a brisk walk around the block can make a big difference in your energy levels and overall well-being. 

The boys nap time has long since stop, but their bedtime routine is consistent at eight pm. 

4. Connect with Support Systems​Being a busy mom can be isolating, but connecting with support systems and social connections can help you feel less alone. Join a book club or a moms’ group to meet other moms in your area. You can also use social media to connect with other moms and share your experiences. I have been an expatriate for over fifteen years now and not having family around is hard, but a fun way I make new friends is on Facebook groups. It’s scary at times to put yourself out there, but I often ask people on there if they are keen to meet for a coffee. We just moved to Australia, and a great way to help me meet people was to volunteer at my kid’s school tuck shop. 

5. Make Time for Date Nights and Quality TimeSpending quality time with your partner and children is important for your overall well-being. Make time for date nights and family outings to create special memories and strengthen your relationships. Oops, I am not sure the last time my husband and I had time without the kids, but often after they are in bed we make sure to give each our time and catch-up on our weekly date night. We love watching series together, or even drinking a nice cup of tea can be the best thing to do,  I always look forward to that when we share and enjoy something together. There are plenty of ways to make quality time work for your family. The boys love parks and the beach, so these activities are regular go-to’s.

5. Prioritize Nutritious Food and Meal PlanningEating healthy, whole grains, and nutritious foods is essential for your physical health and energy levels. Meal planning can help you save time and ensure you have enough time to prepare healthy meals. Healthy food just makes you feel good, and I know as a busy mum thinking about dinner can be s struggle without planning. We have an easy meal plan with a lot of regulars on the menu. The boys love Bolognese, so we buy whole grain pasta instead.

6. Take Small Steps and Practice Self-Care TodaySelf-care doesn’t have to be a big thing. Try and test which self-care strategies works best for you. Maybe during a lunch break, you can take a few deep breaths before eating your sandwich. You can take small steps each day to prioritize your own well-being. Whether it’s taking a few minutes to yourself each day or treating yourself to a face mask or a good book, self-care is essential for being the best mom you can be. Small step equals to big things over time. I know with young children it can be difficult, and I have decided to let go of mom guilt when I put them in front of the TV, so I can just have a bit of quiet time. Don’t judge yourself so much, momma, your kids know you love them.

When we were new parents, we planned a lot of play dates with friends but now as the boys are older, it’s OK that they are bored so they can use their imaginations. Let go, let go, let go of all the pressures you put on yourself.

7. Practicing Gratitude​My gratitude journal is my best friend. I often only write in the for a few seconds, other times I let all the frustrations out. The great thing is no one will ever see it, so I know my brain dump scribbles are safe. You can’t go on an empty cup. Fill yourself up with gratitude and self-compassion even when life if full-on, you are OK to brace any storm. Take better care and use self-care practices that are easy and convenient to you, otherwise you will just give up along the way. You might not have much time during the day but make sure you are on your to-do list too. 

8. Mindful Self-CompassionMindful Self Compassion is a practice that focuses on being kind, non-judgmental, and supportive towards yourself. It is an approach that encourages you to acknowledge your feelings and thoughts without criticism or avoidance. In many ways, it is the opposite of self-criticism and self-judgment. If you are not sure where to start, you can get my ultimate guide to mindful self compassion here.

ConclusionSelf-care is crucial for busy mothers. Working moms and stay-at-home moms. Taking care of yourself is not selfish but necessary for your physical and mental health. By prioritizing self-care, you can be a better parent, partner, and person. So, take the time to practice self-care today and become the best version of yourself.

About Me

Hey, friend! I’m Jacqui, the mama behind Slow Sunday Self-Care. I have gorgeous twin boys, Braedan and Lachlan, and hubby Graham, we are currently staying in Surfers Paradise, Australia.